Brighten face without using any bleaching cream!

Brighten face without using bleaching cream, curd

Hi girlies,

First of all, thanks for sending me mails about why I had not been updating new posts. I was a little busy with my 'not so personal' life. Sorry for that. Well today I am finally writing a post. Hope you like this one too...

Yesterday after a long tiring yet beautiful day , I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered why I have been getting punished by Sun without any reason. Yes you are right! I was tanned. My skin is usually medium to fair color but yesterday I was looking a bit 'not so fair'. So , I started thinking about what I must do to make it little lighter.

At night I usually drink curd after having a nice decent dinner . I decided to use the same on my face. I applied and it gave me a nice cool feeling. My face felt a bit relaxed. I let it be overnight on my skin. Now, guess what happened in the morning.I woke up, looked at myself and wow! I saw a very brighter skin. I was so surprised. I washed my face and then I found that my skin was looking like it was bleached. I loved it! There were a nice glow! So that means we could get a brighter skin without using a bleaching cream. Curd was enough to do the same. Just a small bowl of curd. No need to apply a thick layer too. A very light layer itself does a good job!

Try it girls and let me know if it worked for you too!


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  1. Thanks for a brightened post ;) lol..I will try it girlie...:*

  2. Hi sis loves your lapi has so bookmarks leading to your site..Way to go girl! you better not ask me what the history folder has..hope you might have guessed it by now...:D

  3. Good to know that Raghu!! Thank you :)


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