Review of Aztec Indian Healing Clay

Hi my site readers,

Today I am going to talk about Aztec Indian Healing Clay - World's Most Powerful Mask. This clay mask had so many good reviews over net. I was very curious to know  whether this mask is really that good or not. Read on to know my views on this powerful clay mask.

Aztec Indian Healing Clay

Calcium Betonite Clay

Price: 1259 Rs

1)Take about 2 teaspoons of the clay mask powder, add a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar or just plain water (many and myself prefer Apple Cider Vinegar).
2)When water is added , it takes some time and effort to get a nice smooth paste but ACV gels well with clay powder to give a really nice smooth paste. This is more effective. It does give a 'oozing' kind of a sound. Do not be alarmed. The pack is just getting charged.
3)Wait for about 5 minutes, if you have a sensitive skin or upto 20 minutes. You will feel a pulling sensation. They have termed it as 'Pulsating effect'. It really feels good.
4)Wash off with warm water.

The Aztec Indian Healing Mask pulls the dirt and debris to provide a glow to the face. The pulsating effect does make you feel it's working. After washing face with warm water, your facial skin will look reddish for a while. The instructions given on the package say that the area will look reddish for about 15 minutes. For me it lasted for just 5 minutes. My skin is sensitive but still my face wasnt reddish for long. The ACV actually helps the clay pack to give this pulsating effect. Water also does a nice job but ACV is highly recommended. If you do not want to use ACV on your face then use water.

How does the pack work ??
The dirt , debris and any other nasty stuff on face are actually positively charged and this clay mask when mixed with water or ACV , KT gets negatively charged. As per physics, unlike charges attract each other. So the dirt will be pulled by the clay mask' negative charges. The pack pulls the dirt to such an extend that the zits which are still below the skin's surface or which are still waiting to come out to the surface will actually be visible. It comes out sooner. You could extract the same using blackhead tool. The ACV would kill the bacteria causing acne. The pack doesn't have this property so combined effect of the pack and ACV will really do wonders to your skin. This pack brightens up your skin. Clears acne scars. Corrects pigmentation problems because of improved blood circulation.

Would I recommend: Yes! Definitely!


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